होम Food Scope of Strawberry Farming in Jharkhand

Scope of Strawberry Farming in Jharkhand


Strawberries, those delightful red fruits beloved for their sweet taste and versatility, might not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about farming in Jharkhand. However, this juicy fruit is finding its roots in the state, offering a promising scope for farmers looking to diversify their crops and boost their income.

Why Strawberries in Jharkhand?

Jharkhand, known for its mineral wealth and diverse landscape, is also proving to be conducive for strawberry cultivation. The state’s moderate climate, with temperatures ranging from 10 to 30 degrees Celsius, is ideal for strawberries. Additionally, its hilly terrain provides ample opportunities for terraced farming, which suits the needs of this fruit.

Scope of Strawberry Farming in Jharkhand

Benefits of Strawberry Farming

High Demand: The demand for strawberries in India has been steadily rising, driven by an increasing awareness of health benefits and a growing market for fresh fruits. Jharkhand’s proximity to major markets in cities like Kolkata, Ranchi, and Patna ensures easy access to consumers.

Profitability: Compared to traditional crops, strawberries offer higher profitability per acre. With proper care and management, a strawberry farm can yield fruits for up to five years, providing a sustainable income source for farmers.

Low Investment: Starting a strawberry farm doesn’t require massive investments. The plants can be grown in small spaces, making it accessible even to farmers with limited land.

Diversification: For farmers accustomed to traditional crops like rice and wheat, cultivating strawberries offers a way to diversify their produce. This diversification can spread risks and stabilize incomes.

Scope of Strawberry Farming in Jharkhand

Cultivation Process

Varieties: Popular strawberry varieties like Chandler, Sweet Charlie, and Camarosa have shown good results in Jharkhand’s climate. These varieties are known for their taste, yield, and adaptability.

Soil and Land Preparation: Strawberries thrive in well-drained, loamy soil. Before planting, the soil should be tested and amended with organic matter. Raised beds or terraces are recommended for better drainage.

Planting: Strawberry plants are usually planted in late September to early October. They can be propagated through runners or young plants. Proper spacing is crucial for good airflow and sunlight penetration.

Care and Management: Regular watering, especially during dry spells, is essential. Mulching helps retain soil moisture and suppress weeds. Fertilizers should be applied according to soil test recommendations.

Pest and Disease Control: Common pests like aphids and mites can be managed through natural predators or organic pesticides. Diseases like powdery mildew and root rot can be prevented by maintaining proper hygiene and adequate spacing.

Strawberries from Jharkhand are just as good as those from colder regions.

Scope of Strawberry Farming in Jharkhand

Strawberries from Jharkhand are being sent to many cities in Bihar, Chhattisgarh, and Bengal. The sweetness of Jharkhand’s strawberries is just as good as those produced in cold regions. In Jharkhand, strawberry farming is happening on hundreds of acres. For example, in Harihar Ganj of Palamu, farmers are growing strawberries on 30 acres of land. There is a good demand for strawberries in the market, especially in Kolkata where they are selling quite well. As soon as strawberries reach the markets of Kolkata, they are quickly bought up. In this way, Jharkhand’s farmers are being encouraged by the state government to cultivate crops like strawberries, broccoli, watermelon, muskmelon, baby corn, and dragon fruit, according to the market demand.

Market Potential

The market for strawberries extends beyond fresh fruit. Jams, jellies, syrups, and even dried strawberries are popular products that can be made from surplus fruits. Value addition through processing can further increase profits for farmers.

Government Support

Recognizing the potential of strawberry farming, the Jharkhand government has initiated programs to support farmers. Subsidies on planting material, equipment, and training programs are available, encouraging more farmers to venture into this lucrative sector.


While the prospects are promising, there are challenges to overcome. Lack of awareness about modern cultivation practices, limited access to markets, and issues with post-harvest management need to be addressed. However, with the right guidance and support, these hurdles can be minimized.


Strawberry farming in Jharkhand presents a golden opportunity for farmers to embrace a profitable and sustainable crop. With its growing market demand, low investment requirements, and support from the government, strawberries are painting a rosy picture for agriculture in the state. By tapping into this potential, farmers can not only increase their incomes but also contribute to the agricultural diversification and prosperity of Jharkhand.

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