होम News Jharkhand Government’s Game-Changing Bill to Ensure Fairness in Competitive Examinations

Jharkhand Government’s Game-Changing Bill to Ensure Fairness in Competitive Examinations


The Jharkhand government is taking a decisive step to tackle the menace of unfair means in competitive examinations. A new bill, titled the Jharkhand Competitive Examination (Prevention of Improper Means of Recruitment) Bill, 2023, has been crafted to address the issue head-on. The proposed legislation aims to establish strict penalties for individuals involved in cheating during competitive exams.

Under the provisions of the bill, those found guilty of cheating in competitive examinations could face severe consequences. Offenders may be subjected to a jail term of up to three years or a hefty fine of up to Rs 2 crore, or even both. Such stringent punishment is intended to act as a strong deterrent against any attempts to cheat the system.

Moreover, the bill seeks to hold agencies responsible for the examination process accountable for any misconduct. Government employees or any other parties involved in leaking question papers or confidential information may face repercussions too. For such offenses, the bill recommends a jail term of up to two years or a fine of up to Rs 1 crore, or both.

The proposed legislation is now awaiting presentation in the upcoming monsoon session of the Jharkhand Assembly, which is scheduled to commence on August 8. As of now, the bill has been formulated by the state government’s law department and is undergoing scrutiny by the state cabinet.

In order to ensure clarity, the bill clearly defines “unfair means” as any act intended to provide an unfair advantage to a candidate in a competitive examination. This encompasses various actions, such as cheating, impersonation, obtaining question papers through illegitimate means, and any interference in the examination process.

To effectively implement the bill and ensure compliance, a state-level committee will be established. This committee will have the authority to monitor the implementation of the legislation and take appropriate action against any violators.

This legislation is being hailed as a significant stride taken by the Jharkhand government to combat the rising instances of cheating in competitive examinations. The primary aim is to instill a sense of deterrence among individuals tempted to resort to unfair means. With the bill in place, the hope is that the selection process for government jobs will become more equitable, transparent, and free from any malpractices.

The Jharkhand government’s determination to safeguard the integrity of competitive examinations signals a commitment to building a fair and merit-based system for recruiting candidates to vital government positions. As the bill moves towards becoming law, it is anticipated to herald a new era of integrity and trust in the state’s recruitment processes.

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