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Tropic of Cancer Blessing: Ranchi’s Biodiversity Wonderland



The Tropic of Cancer, an imaginary line at 23.5 degrees north of the Equator, holds immense importance in terms of the Earth’s climate and its impact on various regions. One such region where the Tropic of Cancer passes through is Ranchi, Jharkhand, India. The city of Ranchi, blessed with a unique geographical location, experiences a climate that is both diverse and beneficial to its inhabitants. In this article, we will delve into the importance and advantages of the Tropic of Cancer passing through Ranchi, shedding light on the climatic conditions that make the city a truly remarkable place to reside.

Geographical Blessings

The Tropic of Cancer’s passage through Ranchi marks the city’s position in the northern hemisphere. This location endows Ranchi with a sub-tropical climate, characterized by hot summers and pleasant winters. The geographical blessings of the region are evident in its lush green landscapes, rolling hills, and dense forests. These natural features contribute significantly to the pleasant climatic conditions experienced throughout the year.

Moderate Summers

One of the primary benefits of the Tropic of Cancer’s presence is the moderation of Ranchi’s summer temperatures. The city rarely witnesses scorching heat like many other regions in India. The sun’s rays fall directly on the Tropic of Cancer during the June solstice, marking the onset of summer in the northern hemisphere. However, due to Ranchi’s higher elevation and proximity to the Tropic, the intensity of heat is reduced, providing relief to the residents during the summer months.

Refreshing Monsoons

The Tropic of Cancer’s proximity influences the monsoon patterns experienced by Ranchi. The southwest monsoon, which brings the much-needed rain to the region, is a result of the shift in global wind patterns and the Tropic’s position. This contributes to the region’s agricultural prosperity, supporting a diverse range of crops and vegetation. The regular monsoons also help replenish water bodies, ensuring a steady supply of water throughout the year.

Pleasant Winters

Ranchi’s position near the Tropic of Cancer results in mild and pleasant winters. The city experiences cooler temperatures compared to the surrounding plains, making it a favored destination for tourists seeking respite from colder regions. The pleasant winter climate is conducive to various outdoor activities, making Ranchi a popular destination for travelers during the winter months.

Biodiversity and Ecological Balance

1. Ecological Diversity: Ranchi’s location near the Tropic of Cancer exposes it to a wide range of climatic conditions and habitats. The city experiences a sub-tropical climate, characterized by distinct seasons, including a hot summer, a rainy monsoon, and a mild winter. These varying climatic conditions create a mosaic of habitats, ranging from deciduous forests to grasslands and wetlands. Such diverse ecosystems provide a home for a wide variety of plant and animal species.

2. Flora: Ranchi’s biodiversity is enriched by a plethora of plant species that thrive in the favorable climate conditions. The region’s forests are teeming with a variety of trees, including Sal, Mahua, Teak, and Bamboo. The presence of numerous medicinal plants and herbs further contributes to the region’s ecological significance. The Tropic of Cancer’s influence ensures that these plant species receive adequate sunlight and temperature variations, promoting their growth and propagation.

3. Fauna: The diverse habitats in Ranchi support a rich fauna. The forests and wetlands attract a wide range of animal species, including elephants, tigers, leopards, deer, and various bird species. The Chhota Nagpur Plateau, on which Ranchi is situated, serves as a migration route and a habitat for numerous bird species. The Tropic of Cancer’s proximity helps maintain suitable conditions for these animals to thrive throughout the year.

4. Avian Diversity: Ranchi’s location near the Tropic of Cancer makes it a hotspot for avian diversity. Many migratory bird species visit the region during specific seasons, adding to the already abundant bird population. Birdwatchers and ornithologists flock to Ranchi to witness and study the wide array of bird species found in the region. Common pochard, red-headed pochard, tufted duck, bar-headed goose, greylag goose, great crested grebe, white-fronted goose, redstart, Himalayan Griffon are often spotted during the season.

5. Conservation Importance: The biodiversity supported by the Tropic of Cancer’s presence in Ranchi adds to the conservation significance of the area. Protecting and preserving the diverse ecosystems in Ranchi becomes crucial for maintaining the ecological balance and ensuring the survival of various plant and animal species.

6. Ecotourism: The rich biodiversity and scenic landscapes resulting from the Tropic of Cancer’s impact make Ranchi an attractive destination for ecotourism. Tourists and nature enthusiasts visit the region to explore its natural beauty and experience wildlife in their natural habitats. This, in turn, generates awareness about the importance of preserving the biodiversity in the area.


The Tropic of Cancer’s passage through Ranchi, Jharkhand, brings a myriad of benefits to the city and its inhabitants. From moderating the summer heat to providing refreshing monsoons and pleasant winters, the climatic conditions in Ranchi are a product of this fortunate geographical positioning. Additionally, the ecological diversity and balance in the region contribute to its charm and allure. As we appreciate the significance of the Tropic of Cancer in Ranchi’s climate, we must also be mindful of preserving and safeguarding this natural blessing for future generations to enjoy.

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