होम Culture / History History of the 16th and 17th centuries Found in Gumla

History of the 16th and 17th centuries Found in Gumla


Navratna Garh, nestled within the Sisai block of Gumla district in Jharkhand. Unearthed through ongoing archaeological excavations, this ancient site reveals the fascinating structures of subterranean palaces dating back to the 16th and 17th centuries. Join us on a captivating journey through the layers of time as we unveil the enigmatic history that lay dormant beneath the earth.

The Discovery of a Secret Door

In recent weeks, a clandestine door was unearthed beneath the earth’s surface, with half of its frame now visible. Speculations arise about this door being a part of an underground passage, offering a glimpse into the intricate secrets concealed within the heart of Navratna Garh.

Excitement of the Archaeological Department

The Indian Archaeological Survey is buzzing with enthusiasm over the findings from the ongoing excavations. The unearthed structures add a new dimension to Navratna Garh’s status as a National Archaeological Heritage, declared in 2009. Today, it stands as a focal point of curiosity for local tourists, archaeologists, and historians alike.

History of the 16th and 17th centuries Found in Gumla

Navratna Garh: A Cultural Hub

Last year, the site hosted a special light and sound show during the 100th episode of Prime Minister Modi’s “Mann Ki Baat.” The Archaeological Survey had previously discovered ancient subterranean palaces, dating back approximately five to six centuries, indicating the rich historical tapestry woven into the very fabric of Navratna Garh.

Journey to the Nagvanshi Era

Once the capital of the Nagvanshi rulers in medieval North India, Navratna Garh is believed to have been governed by King Durjan Shal for an extensive period. Records suggest that he ruled for 45 years during the 16th century, establishing Navratna Garh as the Nagvanshi dynasty’s capital.

The Story of Navratna Garh’s Fortification

In 1571, the construction of the fort at Navratna Garh was initiated, boasting a remarkable nine-story structure, earning it the moniker “Navratna Garh.” The remains of this fortress still stand, bearing witness to the passage of centuries.

The Subterranean Palace’s Hidden Passages

Beneath the fortified ground, a secret passageway was discovered during recent excavations. The structure of the subterranean palace suggests the possibility of safeguarding treasures like jewels and gemstones. King Durjan Shal, known for constructing Navratna Garh, is also surrounded by folklore, with tales hinting at his possession of a treasury laden with precious gems.

Historical Significance of Navratna Garh

The ongoing archaeological surveys span numerous sites, including Rani Mahal, Kamal Sarovar, Rani Lukai (Hide and Seek) Math, Jagannath Temple, Subhadra Balbhadra Temple, Royal Court, Tahkhana Santri Post, and the sacred Jalleshwar Nath Shiva Lingam in the Murhar Hills behind Navratna Garh. Each site unfolds a chapter of history waiting to be explored.


As the layers of time are peeled away, Navratna Garh emerges as an archaeological marvel, offering a glimpse into India’s rich history. The ongoing excavations and surveys promise to reveal more secrets hidden beneath the earth, inviting historians and enthusiasts to witness the untold tales that echo through the corridors of time.


Q: When was Navratna Garh declared a National Archaeological Heritage?

A: Navratna Garh was declared a National Archaeological Heritage in 2009.

Q: What is the significance of the special light and sound show hosted at Navratna Garh?

A: The show marked the 100th episode of Prime Minister Modi’s “Mann Ki Baat” and highlighted the historical importance of Navratna Garh.

Q: Who was King Durjan Shal, and how long did he rule Navratna Garh?

A: King Durjan Shal was the 45th ruler of the Nagvanshi dynasty, and he governed Navratna Garh for an extended period during the 16th century.

Q: What structures have been discovered during recent archaeological surveys in Navratna Garh?

A: The surveys have unearthed Rani Mahal, Kamal Sarovar, Rani Lukai Math, Jagannath Temple, Subhadra Balbhadra Temple, Royal Court, Tahkhana Santri Post, and the sacred Jalleshwar Nath Shiva Lingam.

Q: What is the significance of the discovered secret door in Navratna Garh?

A: The secret door raises speculations of being part of an underground passage, adding to the mystery of the subterranean palaces discovered in Navratna Garh.

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