होम SCI. AND TECH. What is ISRO’s POEM-3 Mission? Know about the PSLV Orbital Experimental Module-3,...

What is ISRO’s POEM-3 Mission? Know about the PSLV Orbital Experimental Module-3, the India space platform



In a significant triumph for India’s space endeavors, POEM-3, the PSLV Orbital Experimental Module-3, has accomplished its mission objectives with flying colors. Launched on January 1, 2024, using the spent PS4 stage of the PSLV-C58 vehicle for XPoSat, this cost-effective space platform has proven its capabilities.

About POEM 3:

Orbit Deployment: POEM-3 efficiently deployed XPoSat into its designated 650 km orbit before strategically lowering itself to a 350 km circular orbit to minimize orbit decay post-experiment completion.

Advanced Features: Operating as a three-axis-attitude controlled platform, POEM-3 boasts power generation, telecommand, and telemetry capabilities to support a variety of payloads.

Orbit Status: By its 25th day in orbit, POEM-3 completed an impressive 400 orbits, currently maintaining an orbit range of approximately 322 km by 352 km.

Future Predictions: It is estimated that POEM-3 will continue its orbital journey for approximately 73 more days before re-entering Earth’s atmosphere.

Payload status

Diverse Payloads: Carrying nine payloads from VSSC, PRL, Academia, and Space start-ups through IN-SPACe, POEM-3 has successfully executed a range of experiments.

Achievements: Key experiments, including ARKA200 (Xenon Based Electric Propulsion), RUDRA (HAN based Green Propellant Thruster), LEAP-TD (Satellite Bus with VHF/UHF Downlink & UHF Uplink), and more, have demonstrated stellar performance.

Data Collection: Regular collection of payload data for projects such as WeSAT (Solar irradiance and UV Index study), BeliefSat0 (Amateur Radio satellite), RSEM (Radiation Shielding experiment), and DEX (interplanetary Dust particle experiment) showcased meticulous planning and execution.

POEM-3 Update:
🇮🇳 ISRO’s innovative space platform, POEM-3, successfully achieves all payload objectives.

With the likely re-entry of POEM-3 in the next 75 days, the PSLV-C58 XPoSat mission will be leaving zero debris in space.https://t.co/oI1M5mnSQmISRO (@isro) January 27, 2024

Payload Status:

Diverse Payloads: Carrying nine payloads from VSSC, PRL, Academia, and Space start-ups through IN-SPACe, POEM-3 has successfully executed a range of experiments.

Achievements: Key experiments, including ARKA200 (Xenon Based Electric Propulsion), RUDRA (HAN based Green Propellant Thruster), LEAP-TD (Satellite Bus with VHF/UHF Downlink & UHF Uplink), and more, have demonstrated stellar performance.

Data Collection: Regular collection of payload data for projects such as WeSAT (Solar irradiance and UV Index study), BeliefSat0 (Amateur Radio satellite), RSEM (Radiation Shielding experiment), and DEX (interplanetary Dust particle experiment) showcased meticulous planning and execution.

ISRO Milestone: With POEM-1 to POEM-3 missions, ISRO has successfully flown a total of 21 payloads from various institutes and industries, marking a significant achievement in India’s space exploration journey.


POEM-3 stands as a testament to India’s prowess in cost-effective and innovative space exploration. The successful completion of its mission objectives, coupled with the efficient deployment of diverse payloads and groundbreaking experiments, highlights the country’s commitment to advancing space technology.

As POEM-3 continues its orbital journey, contributing valuable data and insights, the collaborative efforts between ISRO, institutes, and space start-ups underscore the strength of India’s space ecosystem. The achievements of ARKA200, RUDRA, LEAP-TD, and other payloads showcase the nation’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of space science.

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