होम Culture / History Guru ji : A Milestone Celebration of 80 Years

Guru ji : A Milestone Celebration of 80 Years


Happy 80th birthday to Shibu Soren, the ex-Chief Minister of Jharkhand and a key political figure. Affectionately called Guruji, Shibu Soren has made noteworthy contributions to the political scene of the state throughout his life

Origins and Early Struggles

Guru ji : A Milestone Celebration of 80 Years

In the obscure tapestry of Indian politics, the spotlight falls on Shibu Soren, a seasoned politician presently gracing the Rajya Sabha as the voice of Jharkhand. His narrative unfolds as the torchbearer of the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha, weaving an intricate tale of political prowess.


Guru ji : A Milestone Celebration of 80 Years

Soren’s political footprint includes a brief stint as the 3rd Chief Minister of Jharkhand, a role he assumed not once, but thrice. From the ephemeral 10-day tenure in 2005 to more extended periods in 2008-2009 and 2009-2010, he has steered the JMM, a crucial player in the UPA political landscape.

Political Landscape and Legal Entanglements

Guru ji : A Milestone Celebration of 80 Years

Venturing into the Lok Sabha, representing Dumka from 1980 to 2019, and donning the hat of the Minister for Coal in the Union Cabinet, Soren’s journey is a testament to his dynamic political career. However, a somber note is struck with a Delhi district court’s verdict on his alleged involvement in the 1994 murder of his private secretary, Shashi Nath Jha.

Roots and Formative Years

Delving into Soren’s origins reveals a poignant narrative. Born in Nemra village of Bihar’s Ramgarh district, he belongs to the Santal tribe, adding a unique cultural hue to his persona. His early years, marked by the tragic loss of his father to money lender-affiliated thugs, set the stage for his resilience.

Activism and Political Genesis

At 18, Soren founded the Santhal Navyuvak Sangh, showcasing his early commitment to social causes. The year 1972 saw the convergence of Soren with A. K. Roy and Binod Bihari Mahato, leading to the formation of the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha, a pivotal moment in regional politics.

Agitations and Unconventional Methods

Under Soren’s leadership, the JMM spearheaded agitations to reclaim tribal lands, employing unconventional methods like forced harvesting. Known for delivering summary justice against landlords and money lenders, Soren’s audacious approach left an indelible mark on the socio-political landscape.

Legal Battles and Acquittal

A pivotal episode in Soren’s history occurred in 1975 when he allegedly incited a campaign resulting in fatalities. Legal battles ensued, culminating in Soren’s acquittal in 2008, though lingering charges from earlier incidents persisted.

Electoral Fortunes and Ministerial Roles

Soren’s political rollercoaster continued with victories, setbacks, ministerial roles, and controversies. His resilience shone through, exemplified by his return to the Union Cabinet after legal troubles in 2004.

Political Peaks and Valleys

The year 2005 marked a brief interlude when Soren assumed the mantle of Jharkhand’s Chief Minister, only to resign nine days later. The ebb and flow of political fortunes continued, with a notable defeat in the 2019 Lok Sabha Elections.

Legal Labyrinth and Acquittal

However, Soren’s life took a darker turn in 2006 when he was found guilty in a case involving the kidnapping and murder of his former personal secretary. This unprecedented event led to Soren’s resignation as Union Minister for Coal, marking a somber milestone in Indian political history.

Personal Life

Guru ji : A Milestone Celebration of 80 Years

Amidst the political tumult, glimpses into Soren’s personal life reveal a familial backdrop. Married to Roopi Kisku, he is a father to three sons – Durga, Hemant, and Basant – and a daughter named Anjali. Hemant Soren, in particular, followed in his father’s footsteps, becoming the Chief Minister of Jharkhand.


As the chapters of Shibu Soren’s life continue to unfold, they weave a narrative of political highs and lows, legal battles, and familial bonds. His indomitable spirit and intricate journey stand as a testament to the perplexities of human existence, mirroring the complexities inherent in the political landscape he traverses.

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