होम Politics  New Dress Code for Parliament Employees Ahead of Special Session

 New Dress Code for Parliament Employees Ahead of Special Session


New Dress Code for Parliament Employees Ahead of Special Session

The new Parliament building is all set to host its first session on September 19, coinciding with the second day of the Special Session of Parliament. Ahead of the session, the dress code for parliament employees has undergone a major overhaul.

The new dress code, which has been designed by the National Institute of Fashion Technology (NIFT), aims to infuse the flavor of “Indianness” in the attires to be donned by the parliament employees and bureaucrats.

What will the new dress code look like?

  • Male employees at the Parliament House will don cream-colored jackets adorned with pink lotus prints.
  • Female employees will receive new sarees, replacing the old ones.
  • Male employees will sport khaki-colored pants.
  • The bandhgala suits, which used to be donned by the bureaucrats, will now be replaced by Majenta or deep pink jackets.
  • Their shirts will also feature a deep pink hue with lotus flower designs.
  • The revised attire for the marshals in both houses of Parliament will now also include Manipuri turbans.

Why the change in dress code?

The government has said that the new dress code is an attempt to “infuse the flavor of Indianness” in the Parliament. It has also said that the new dress code is more dignified and appropriate for the occasion.

What is the agenda of the Special Session?

The agenda of the Special Session is still not clear. However, it is expected to feature the introduction of bills related to women’s reservation and ‘one nation-one election’.

What is the opposition’s reaction to the new dress code?

The opposition has welcomed the new dress code, saying that it is a step in the right direction. However, some opposition leaders have also criticized the government for not consulting them before making the change.

Congress’s Tagore questions lotus print in new Parliament staff uniform, calls it BJP’s ploy to make Parliament partisan.

Tagore questioned why the lotus print was chosen instead of the national animal, the peacock, or the national bird, the tiger. He alleged that the BJP is trying to make the Parliament a “one-sided partisan thing” by using its election symbol, the lotus, in the uniform.

What do you think about the new dress code?

The new dress code has been met with mixed reactions. Some people have praised the government for its efforts to “infuse the flavor of Indianness” in the Parliament. Others have criticized the government for not consulting the opposition before making the change.

Ultimately, it is up to the people of India to decide whether they approve of the new dress

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